• mourapaulo

    mourapaulo wrote on Aug 6

    Role in the wind
    A gentleman, a long time, both said that his neighbor was a thief that the boy was arrested. Days later, they discovered that he was innocent. The boy was released and sued the man.
    In court, the old man tells the judge: "Comments do not cause much harm." The judge replied: "Write the comments on paper, then chop and throw the pieces on the way home. Tomorrow, back to hear the sentence. "

    You obeyed and returned the next day. - Before the sentence, will have to pick up the pieces of paper spread yesterday, the judge said.

    Replied the old man - I can not do that. The wind must have them spread out, I do not know where they are. Replies the judge: - Likewise, a simple comment can destroy the honor of a man, that we can not fix the bad. If you can not speak well of a person, you better not say anything. Let us be masters in our mouths, we are not slaves of our words.


    Smart people talk about ideas!
    Ordinary people talk about things!
    People talk about petty people!
    (Author Unknown)

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