• Rain küldte 2012/06/10


    Don't look for the love in another one

    the love is just for you in my heart

    we will be happy forever

    If you add your love to me


    You are a beautiful flower

    I am an alone butterfly

    open all of leafs to me

    I want to smell you


    I loved you yesterday so much

    I love you today more than yesterday

    Even if you don't love me someday

    I will love you again


    My love is not a dream

    dreams can not be real sometime

    I love the real love

    It is you.Eva.


  • Have a good evening... Pictures, Images and Photos 

  • 2012 05 09

    Rain verse

    What is the love according to you?

    Did you ever loved anyone? Why did you leave him? Is the love a game to you ? Can you stop the sun rise ? Can you live without water,air and food? If you can live Don't love me..Never love me. You think to forget me but just you think.. you can not forget even if you want because you love me still and you will love as much as I love you When the rain drops fall on your hair the rain drops your lips when wetted you will remember me as I will be remembering you Don't make to cry our love that time. Don't think our love will end No It will never end, because "ourloveforever" yes, "our love forever" You know this too.

  • A little part from my novel...

    The young and beatiful woman asked to the young man:
    -Do you have lots of women in your life?..
    -Yes,but they are only my friend...Said the young man and continued to talk:
    -Because i am not interested in only about women's bodies. If i want to make love ,i can make love with a lot of women where i live in this city. So just share your soul,feelings and tenderness with me and be honest! These are enough for me...
    The young woman never said before...She only looked at to the eyes of the young man and then she talked with whisper:
    -Yes i understand you...She said.
    Then she indicated by her hand to her heart:
    -Here! It is here and it is ready to share everything with you..Are you ready?And she continued her talking:
    -When you feel like crying....call me. ! .I don't promise that I will make you laugh, but I can cry with you...If one day you want to run away dont be afraid to call me. I don't promise to ask you to stop,but I can run with you.
    If one day you dont want to listen to anyone..... Call me.
    I promise to be there for you but also promise to remain quiet. But one day if you call,and there is no answer..... come fast to see me.. Perhaps I need you..

    (By Rain)


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