• Buenas noches Good Evening, Sweetheart Damon ;)


     There's a bond between us that hasn't been broken yet
    and the feelings between us will never disappear ...
    You are like the sun. Everytime you come out you make me happy.

     One night the moon said to me:
    "If he makes you cry, why don't you leave him?"
    I paused for a while, then I looked at back to the moon and said:
    "Moon, would you ever leave your sky?"

    We waste our time looking for the perfect love, instead of creating it ...

    Life is too short! Kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truely, and forgive quickly.

     Sexy, hot, sensuous Damon ... You have an irresistible attractiveness
    You have grown to my heart to living in my soul ...
    Now, that you're here I just feel like I'm constantly dreaming <3
    Sweet kisses ~ Nicki





  • O teu calor é magnético Your heat is magnetic 
    O teu toque é divino Your touch is divine 
    O teu sorriso é o céu Your smile is heaven 
    O teu perfume é maravilhoso Your scent is wonderful 
    A tua voz é melodia Your voice is melody 
    Quando te aproximas é maravilhoso When you approach is wonderful 
    O teu prazer é o meu desejo Your pleasure is my desire 
    Meu desejo é o teu ser. My wish is your being, lovely Nicki. 
    Desejo profundo, tão doce e magnético, Deep desire, so sweet and magnetic 
    Como um céu de delícias divinas, As a heaven of divine delights, 
    Na maravilhosa melodia de querer a luz do prazer In the beautiful melody of wanting the light of pleasure 
    Pelo desejo do teu ser. The desire of your being. 
    Esta é a nossa história! This is our story! 
    Tu e eu, a olhar e sorrindo com desejo, You and I, looking and smiling with desire, 
    com prazer! with pleasure ...
     photo DAMON AND CANDICE_zpsyhwt3brb.png

  • Vem... come ... vamos juntos voar, we fly together, lovely Nicki, voemos no meu sonho, we will fly in our dream, quero-te levar através dele, want to take you through it por vôo nunca imaginado per flight ever imagined. Iríamos tão a...lto que chegaríamos às nuvens, would arrive so high that the clouds e nelas nos sentaríamos. and would sit in them. A lua nos banharia com sua luz de prata, the moon bathe with her in silver light, e as estrelas nos contariam seus segredos. and the stars would tell us their secrets. Pediríamos a saturno seus anéis emprestados, we would ask to borrow their rings Saturn, para com eles nos enfeitarmos, to them in enfeitarmos, e seguiríamos voando, would follow and flying através de chuva de estrelas cadentes, by rain of falling stars, que nos saudariam como fogos de artifícios. we hailed as fireworks this 4th of July. Vejo ao longe já surgir o amanhecer, long to see the dawn has come, e logo veremos o sol despertar and soon we'll see the sun awakening, vem... come ... voa comigo neste sonho
     photo 000000 NICOLE AND DAMON_zpsejsuls2j.jpg

  • Ce que je vois What I see, lovely Nicki, 
    Je voudrais vous le faire découvrir ! I would like you to discover! 
    J'aimerais que vous soyez avec moi I want you to be with me 
      De ces petits mots échangés. These little words exchanged. 
    De ce soutient énergique This energetic supports 
    De cette complicité magique. In this magical complicity. 
    Je me sens privilégiée, I feel privileged, 
    De vous avoir rencontré. To have met you. 
    J'espère avoir su exprimer I hope I have managed to express 
    L'importance de notre amitié The importance of our friendship 
    gros bisous bonne journée big kiss good day
    Bon dimanche bisous Good Sunday kisses...
     photo dani candy angel winchester_zpsofncoftt.jpg

  • Waves of the sea, dearest Nicki, 
    in tempesta, in storm 
    sguardi d'amanti eyes of lovers 
    si cercano you seek 
    in corpi avidi in bodies craving 
    di tenerezza... of tenderness ... 
    labbra socchiuse s'inchinan lips parted s'inchinan 
    mentre freme while quivers 
    e cresce il respiro and increases the breathing 
    su gocce on drops 
    da luna stregate... haunted by the moon ... 
    accarezzami caress 
    forte strong 
    nel tocco del vento... the touch of the wind ... 
    In silenzio In silence 
    fai viver il you live the 
    mio cuore... my heart ...
     photo 0000 holland lydia martin_zpsxg018tki.jpg


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