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      Respiro... breath ... lento... slow ... circonda corpi... surrounding bodies ... maturi nel loro bisogno di appartenersi... mature in their need to belong .. you, my sensual Nicki, rimani lì... stay here with me always ... ......

      A gift from Damon
      Type: Private




      Respiro... breath ... lento... slow ... circonda corpi... surrounding bodies ... maturi nel loro bisogno di appartenersi... mature in their need to belong .. you, my sensual Nicki, rimani lì... stay here with me always ... ......



      A gift from Damon
      Type: Private




      Tu es accusée d'avoir campé dans mon COEUR et d'avoir volé mes sourires avec ta douceur, you are accused of having camped in my HEART, lovely Nicki, and stealing my smiles with your sweetness .....





      your comment
    • To: Damon
      Type: Private
      Message: I want to stare into your eyes I want you to hold me in your arms I want to kiss you with passion I want to share that passion with you.. Good morning, my Love!

      your comment
    • Ajándék Damonnak

      My love for you is so real, that it makes me want to do magnificent things like jumping on the clouds and climbing on the rainbow.. :) You are  loved so much, my precious Damon. I have a heart and it belongs to you..

      your comment
    • J'ai trouvé une fleur à nulle autre pareille, I found a flower like no other, lovely Nicki, un rayon de lumière dérobée au soleil, a ray of light stole the sun j'ai aimé une étoile volée au firmament, I liked a star fly in the sky, et vécu la saison d'une éternel printemps and lived an eternal spring season j'ai trouvé une fleur aux mille et un parfums, I found a flower with a thousand perfumes, une rose venue d'un merveilleux jardin, a pink birth of a beautiful garden aux pétales velours à la couleur si belle, velvet petals the color so beautiful qu'on n'en voit même pas au sein de l'arc-en-ciel  we do not even see in the rainbow sky j'ai gravi avec elle chaque heure de chaque jour, I climbed with her every hour of every day, les pentes: les sommets de montagnes d'amour, slopes: mountain peaks of love, puis j'ai nagé sans fin et j'ai plongé sans cesse, then I swam endless and I dived constantly aux océans de joie et aux mers de tendresse oceans and seas joy of love!
                 photo DAMON HOIDAZepJk_zpsgi75ebzm.gif    


      08/06/2016 06:59:19

       photo cat-1253309970_sliding-cats-1.gif


      your comment
    • My vampire love, you ... my blood :D My love for you is so real, that it makes me want to do magnificent things like jumping on the clouds and climbing on the rainbow.. :) You are the ideal man for me, who is exciting, exhilarating, astonishing, breathtaking, enchanting, enthralling, invigorating, overpowering and uplifting.. You are loved so much, my precious Damon. I have a heart and it belongs to you. xoxo

      your comment

    • your comment

    • Take advantage of every day of your vacations, my sweet Iris. Enjoy it!! I'll miss you a lot!! Kisses..Nicki

      your comment
    • My dear, I won't be online at the weekend, I'm going to Austria with my colleagues. I still can't believe that you came up to me and said, 'I love you', I love you too, sweetheart. Happy weekend Sweet kisses Nicki


      Man loves money, bees love honey, flowers love dew, and I love you!

      To: Damon
      Type: Private
      Message: My dear, I won't be online at the weekend, I'm going to Austria with my colleagues. I still can't believe that you came up to me and said, 'I love you', I love you too, sweetheart. Happy weekend Sweet kisses Nicki :)

      your comment
    • I am sitting in a meadow, my dearest Nicki, sur un joli banc tout blanc on a chair beautiful all white en ce début de journée , je souhaiterai at the beginning of the day, I will wish que tu viennes t'asseoir à mes côtés you to come and sit by my side juste pour le plaisir de partager just for the pleasure of sharing un simple moment rempli de douceur et de tendresse a moment filled with sweetness and tenderness on this beautiful Friday... 
       photo 000000 Ian-Somerhalder-Sitting-In-Garden-Wearing-Coat-Pant_zpsm3et88ij.jpg

      your comment
    • Só uma pequena e humilde homenagem a essa ilustre beleza e simpatia, only a small and humble tribute to you, my exquisite Nicki, to your illustrious beauty and warmth, pareço estar sonhando diante desta beleza tão ma estral,mas logo percebi que é verdade! I seem to be dreaming on this beauty so ma estrous, but soon realized that it's true! Anjo lindo e simpático que alegra meus olhos com tão divina beleza e formosura... an angel beautiful and tender that gladdens my eyes so divine beauty and loveliness ... lindo anjo esculpido com um detalhe magnificamente perfeito, um coração belo e divino... beautiful angel with a carved detail magnificently perfect, beautiful and divine a heart ... 
       photo damon candy_zps7elmpv7q.jpg

      your comment
    • Your posts are so beautiful, Darling, You've convinced me, I have grieved the wall between us..  I love you deeply, permanently, passionately with all my heart and soul .. I miss you so much that you're always on my mind .. I love you so much that you're always in my heart. Nicki

      To: Damon
      Type: Private

      Your posts are so beautiful, Darling, You've convinced me, I have grieved the wall between us.. I miss you so much that you're always on my mind .. I love you so much that you're always in my heart. Nicki


      I love you deeply, permanently, passionately with all my heart and soul

      your comment
    • To: Damon
      Type: Private
      Message: Aussi léger que la rosée du matin, aussi doux que la sois et le satin et aussi frais que les belles roses des jardins, je t'envoie mon bonjour de bon matin.. Promise me that you will have a lasting enthusiasm!! Love ..Nicki ;)

    • I give up the class struggle..
      I do not fight longer..
      I'm tired of everything
      I hate your page..
      It's disgusting what they do there with me.

      your comment
    •  Love polygon visible on your page, my dearest Damon.. I can't reveal my real feelings there. I may not know everything, but there's one thing that I know and am sure of; I love you, my love Damon. Nicki


      To: Damon
      Type: Private
      Message: Love polygon visible on your page, my dearest Damon.. I can't reveal my real feelings there. I may not know everything, but there's one thing that I know and am sure of; I love you, my love Damon. Nicki

      I love you for who you were, who you are and who you always will be..

      your comment
    • I hope you have very nice dreams tonight and that tomorrow, when you wake up, you are full of energy to start the day...Have a happy weekend.

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