
    01/20/2024 11:43:06

    Feel the touch, the gentle touch of the day, close your eyes, my darling Rosine, and try to absorb as far as understanding the great gift of power, realizing the greatness that is offered to us when we open arms to actually receive it without tensions, without the interference of mind without thoughts that void. Recebê-lo com as portas do coração abertas e renascer, mergulhar, conhecer a consciência de ser na exuberância desse instante. Welcome you to the doors of the heart open and be reborn, dive, knowing the consciousness of being in the exuberance of that moment. Como borboletas que seguem em direção à Luz, que cada um de nós saiba abandonar os antigos casulos e voe em direção ao brilho da vida que está começando agora. How butterflies that follow toward the light, that each of us knows abandon the old cocoon and fly toward the glow of life that is now beginning. Wishing you a wonderful Caturday  morning with the warmth of love ...

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