• Robberto

    01/28/2024 07:53:11

    Vem... come, my darling Rosine, vamos juntos voar, we will fly together, voemos no meu sonho, we will fly in our dreams, quero-te levar através dele, I want to take you through them por vôo nunca imaginado the best flight ever imagined. Iríamos tão a...lto que chegaríamos às nuvens, we would arrive so high that the clouds e nelas nos sentaríamos would allow us to sit in them. A lua nos banharia com sua luz de prata, we would see the moon bathe herself in silver light, e as estrelas nos contariam seus segredos and the stars would tell us their secrets. Pediríamos a saturno seus anéis emprestados, we would ask to borrow the rings of Saturn, para com eles nos enfeitarmos, from them  enfeitarmos, e seguiríamos voando, we would follow and fly através de chuva de estrelas cadentes, in a rain of falling stars, que nos saudariam como fogos de artifícios. we would be hailed as fireworks this 4th of July. Vejo ao longe já surgir o amanhecer, long enough to see that the dawn has come, e logo veremos o sol despertar and soon we'll see the sun awakening,  voa comigo neste sonho, your eyes le quand tes lèvres esquissent ce petit sourire the sweetness of your lips with your little smile qui te va si bien et qui te rend si belle et plein de désirs that suits you so well and makes you so beautiful and full of desires *kiss*

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