• Második gyermekét várja Katalin hercegnő és Vilmos herceg

      2014. 09. 08. 13:24

      Második gyermekét várja Katalin hercegnő és Vilmos herceg: első terhességéhez hasonlóan a cambridge-i hercegnőt ezúttal is súlyos reggeli rosszullét miatt kezelik - közölte a királyi hivatal.

      A Clarence House hétfői közlése szerint a házaspár és családjaik is "nagyon boldogok" a baba érkezése miatt. A hivatal szerint Katalint - polgári nevén Kate Middletont - súlyos reggeli rosszullétek miatt kezelik az orvosok a Kensington-palotában. 

      A cambridge-i hercegnő első várandóssága idején is a nagyon heveny terhességi rosszullétek miatt szorult kórházi kezelésre. Jelenlegi állapota miatt a 32 éves hercegnőnek valószínűleg extra vízfelvételre, gyógyszeres kezelésre és tápanyagokra lesz szüksége.

      A brit miniszterelnök is örül

      David Cameron brit miniszterelnök elmondta, hogy "nagy örömmel töltötte el az újabb baba érkezésének híre". A gratulálók névsorát gyarapította továbbá Ed Miliband munkáspárti vezető, valamint Canterbury érseke.

      A hercegi házaspár elsőszülöttje, György herceg tavaly júliusban jött világra és nagyapja, Károly trónörökös és édesapja, Vilmos herceg - Károly és a néhai Diana hercegnő elsőszülött fia - után a harmadik a brit trónutódlási sorban. Születendő testvére így a negyedik helyre kerül, az ötödik helyre utasítva a jelenlegi negyediket, Harry herceget, Vilmos öccsét.

      A Clarence House szerint jelenlegi állapota miatt Katalin nem tudja elkísérni férjét az Oxfordi Egyetemre szervezett programjukra. Katalin a közeljövőben indult volna először egyedül hivatalos tengerentúli látogatásra: a cambridge-i hercegnő szeptemberben utazott volna Máltára Erzsébet királynő képviseletében - emlékeztetett a BBC News.

    • Prince William, Kate expeting second child: palace

      Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge with Prince George during a visit the Natural History Museum in London on July 2, 2014 to mark Prince George's first birthday

      London (AFP) - Britain's Prince William and his wife Kate are expecting their second child, Kensington Palace announced on Monday less than 14 months after the birth of heir to the throne Prince George.


      The couple, known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are "very pleased" and William's grandmother Queen Elizabeth II is "delighted", a spokesman said.

      Kate, 32, is again suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, a form of very acute morning sickness that caused her to be hospitalised when she was pregnant with George.

      She is currently being treated by doctors at the couple's London home in Kensington Palace, the spokesman said.

      The duchess was due to attend an official engagement in Oxford on Monday but cancelled because of her illness. William, also 32, will be attending the event as planned.

      "Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting their second child," the palace announced.

      "The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news."

      Prime Minister David Cameron was among the first to offer his congratulations to the couple, saying he was "delighted by the happy news that they're expecting another baby".

      - 'Heir and spare' -

      William and Kate's first child, George Alexander Louis, was born on July 22, 2013 in London's St. Mary's Hospital, weighing eight pounds and six ounces (3.8 kg).

      As third in line to the throne and the first child of a celebrity couple, George's arrival sparked a media frenzy and prompted messages of goodwill from around the world.

      The new baby will be fourth in line to the throne, pushing William's younger brother Prince Harry down the line of succession into fifth place.

      William and Kate made no secret of wanting another child, and it is the convention in aristocratic and royal families to have at least two -- an heir and a "spare" who can inherit the family title and estate in case the heir dies.

      Kate's morning sickness raises questions about whether she will be able to attend her first official solo trip abroad to Malta later this month.

      She was due to represent the queen on September 20 and 21 as the Mediterranean islands celebrate the 50th anniversary of their independence from Britain.

      A Kensington Palace spokesman said the duchess's plans would be decided on a "case by case" basis.

      Kate has been increasing her public profile since she married Prince William in a lavish ceremony in April 2011 that was watched by an estimated two billion TV viewers.

      A "commoner" by birth who met the prince at university in Scotland, she appears to have moved effortlessly into her royal role and has become a global style icon.

      But the couple have worked hard to keep their relationship and family life private, after the press intrusion that dominated the final years of William's mother Diana, who was killed in a car crash in Paris in 1997 as her car was chased by paparazzi.

      Kensington Palace did not say when the new baby was due, although experts say hyperemesis gravidarum usually occurs in the first three months of pregnancy.

      Hyperemesis gravidarum is the Latin name for a severe form of morning sickness and affects around one in 200 pregnant women, according to Britain's National Health Service (NHS).

      Symptoms can include persistent vomiting, dehydration, tiredness and dizziness, experts say, and hospitalisation may be needed in severe cases to treat dehydration with intravenous fluids for a few days.

      The royal couple currently live in London after several years spent in Wales while William worked as a Royal Air Force (RAF) search and rescue helicopter pilot.

      William's office announced last month that he was taking on a new full-time role next year with the East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA), a charity which provides emergency helicopter cover across eastern England.

    • Imádni való baba :)


    • Királyi partival ünneplik az egyéves kisherceget

      2014. 07. 22. 09:54

      Kedden egyéves a legifjabb brit trónörökös, György herceg. A szülinapját partival ünneplik meg, a legrangosabb vendég a nagymamája lesz.

      Újabb fotók jelentek meg Cambridge hercegének és hercegnőjének első gyermeke, a brit trónutódlási sorban harmadikként szereplő György herceg első születésnapja alkalmából. A cambridge-i hercegi pár kedden tart születésnapi partit György hercegnek a Kensington-palotában. A díszvendég a dédnagymama, II. Erzsébet brit királynő lesz. 


      A hétfőn este közzétett két új hivatalos fotó egyikén a kis herceg édesanyja ölében ülve nyúl egy pillangó után, amely apja, Vilmos herceg kézfején pihen. A másik kép szintén szüleivel együtt ábrázolja Györgyöt. A fényképek a londoni Természettudományi Múzeumban készültek néhány hete.

      Forrás: MTI/EPA/PA/John Stillwell

      Katalin hercegnő áprilisban lett a múzeum védnöke. "Igazi öröm volt vendégül látni július elején pártfogónkat és családját. Úgy tűnt, hogy élvezték a látogatást, színpompás pillangók repkedtek körülöttük, miközben megtekintették a trópusi növényeket" - idézte a BBC a vizitről Sir Michael Dixtont, a múzeum igazgatóját.

      Vilmos herceg és Katalin hercegnő közleményben köszönte meg a sok jókívánságot, amelyet a kis herceg születésnapja alkalmából kaptak. Úgy fogalmaztak: szeretnék megragadni az első születésnapot arra, hogy mindenkinek megköszönjék a Györgynek és családjuknak szóló meleg és nemeslelkű jókívánságokat, amelyek otthon és a tengerentúlon is áradtak feléjük, bármerre is jártak.

      A királyi párt és gyermekét meleg fogadtatásban részesítették első közös külföldi útjukon Új-Zélandon és Ausztráliában is. 

      György herceget először 2013. július 23-án mutatták be a nyilvánosságnak a londoni St. Mary kórház lépcsőin. A kis herceg a harmadik a brit trónutódlási sorrendben, és a királynő, valamint az uralkodó elsőszülött fia, Károly trónörökös és Károly elsőszülött fia, Vilmos herceg után majdan ő is az Egyesült Királyság uralkodója lesz.


      Party as Britain's little prince celebrates first birthday

      Prince William, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge celebrate with Prince George at London's Natural History Museum on July 2, 2014 ahead of the baby's first birthday

      London (AFP) - Britain's Prince George was to celebrate his first birthday on Tuesday with a party fit for a future king as his parents thanked well-wishers the world over for their support.


      Prince William and his wife Catherine were to throw a private bash at their Kensington Palace home in London to mark the occasion, with royalty and close friends in attendance.

      To mark the prince's birthday they released two new photographs of the family, which show toddler George fascinated by butterflies at the Natural History Museum in the British capital.

      In a short message accompanying the pictures, William and Kate thanked the public for their generosity towards the little prince over the last 12 months.

      "We would like to take this opportunity on George's first birthday to thank everyone over the last year, wherever we have met them, both at home and overseas, for their warm and generous good wishes to George and our family," they said.

      In one of the new pictures released for his birthday, George is looking at a blue morpho butterfly that has landed on the back of his father's right hand.

      The youngster, sitting on a bench with his parents, appears about to pick up the insect.

      In the other picture, William, Kate and their son are transfixed by something above their heads.

      The photographer, John Stillwell, said George, who is third in line to the throne, was "very lively and very sure of himself and confident -- a very determined young boy".

      The shots were taken a few weeks ago. George is pictured wearing a pair of dungaree shorts, over a polo neck t-shirt, shoes and socks.

      - Cherubic charmer -

      For the party, the London Evening Standard newspaper said Kate has baked George's cake herself.

      "The family will mark the birthday privately at Kensington Palace with close family and friends," a royal spokeswoman told AFP.

      Newspapers said great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth II would join the party, though her husband Prince Philip is less likely to turn up as he has engagements to attend in Greenwich.

      Meanwhile grandfather Prince Charles and his wife Camilla are in Scotland on their annual summer visit.

      William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are determined to give George as much of a normal upbringing as they can, keeping him largely out of the spotlight.

      But the cherubic royal has charmed onlookers during his few appearances in the public eye, particularly during the tour of Australia and New Zealand in April.

      And his arrival on the scene has given the royal family a major feel-good factor boost.

      "Prince George's outings are a reminder of what makes the monarchy so enduringly popular -- its humanity," said The Daily Telegraph newspaper.

      "The lives of the royal family offer benchmarks to our own. They grow up along with us, experience joy, are touched by sorrow, and confirm that life is all the more pleasant when shared as part of the national community."

      - Silver crown -

      His Royal Highness Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge was born at 4:24pm (1524 GMT) at London's St. Mary's Hospital on July 22, 2013, weighing eight pounds and six ounces (3.8 kilogrammes).

      William and Kate have been hands-on in bringing up their son, bathing him and putting the little prince to bed.

      They have revealed that George was a loud baby and cried a lot in the early days because he was always hungry.

      To celebrate George's milestone, the Royal Mint issued a silver £5 coin, called a crown, with a design last struck for Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953.

      "The choice of a silver coin is significant as crossing the precious metal across a baby's palm is a way to wish them wealth and good health throughout their life, whilst the £5 coin is a favourite for royal celebrations," said Shane Bissett, the mint's director of commemorative coins.

      Just 7,500 of the crowns were struck and they are now changing hands for more than 30 times the face value.

      "They sold out very quick actually, in a matter of days," a Royal Mint spokeswoman told AFP.

      May God bless you on this wonderful day of your life! Happy first birthday!

      The Bigger the Better for Baby’s First Birthday, Unless He’s Prince George

      Good Morning America
      The Bigger the Better for Baby’s First Birthday, Unless He’s Prince George
      The Bigger the Better for Baby’s First Birthday, Unless He’s Prince George (ABC News)

      It seems Americans are obsessed with all things royal. And as the world’s most famous prince approaches his first birthday, no doubt moms in the United States will be watching closely for ways to throw a royal first birthday bash.

      Trouble is, they won’t be getting any over-the-top party planning ideas from Princess Kate. While baby’s first birthday is cause for major celebration here in the states – complete with smash cakes, smash cake outfits, professional photographers, gift registries and custom chalkboard posters – royal experts say Prince George’s first will be ultra low-key.

      “It would be unseemly to make a great show of things and it's simply not the British way,” royals expert Victoria Arbiter Brown told ABC News.

      Brown added that while Americans look to Kate for all things fashion, she doesn’t think the prince’s understated birthday celebration will have any influence at all on first birthday parties stateside, which seem to grow more elaborate – and more expensive -- every day.

      WATCH: Prince George Nears First Birthday Milestone

      Baby George Steals the Show at Prince William's Father's Day Polo Match

      Prince George Has a Playdate, and It's Adorable

      Karen Lee of New York City said she spent about $10K on her daughter's birthday, and said elaborate first birthday celebrations are common among her Korean-American friends. "Almost as much as planning a wedding," she told ABC News, adding that she knew moms who had spent double what she did.

      Julie Lam, owner of Mini Fetes in New York City, said an average first birthday party might have between 50 and 60 guests at a cost of $50 to $75 per person.

      The parties she plans are reflective not only of the child, but the parents. “I sometimes ask to see clients' apartments just to find out what colors, patterns they like, or what decorative pieces they collect at home,” she said.

      One first-birthday party trend she’s seeing is "celebrating the survival of first year of parenthood.” She has done boys’ “bow tie” parties “for highly sophisticated, proper and preppy parents, dads especially,” and 80s movies-inspired parties like Pretty in Pink for “parents who have the best memories of the 80s and want to reminisce the golden years” while incorporating their baby.

      And of course, share the photos on social media.

      Rebecca Michals, director of BabyCenter’s Global Community, said social media has had a “huge” impact on the growth of the importance of the first birthday party. It’s common for professional photographers to post perfect photos with the #FirstBirthday hashtag. But it’s not all about bragging.

      “Some of it is to capture the perfect picture. They want to have that visual of their baby in the perfect outfit, smashing the perfect cake and they want to share that image far and wide,” Michals said. “But it's also because that perfect picture is a visual of how they feel about their baby, not just how the perfect picture reflects on them as a parent.”

      U.S. moms who hope to raise their babies like a prince, however, might consider using their child’s birthday to do good for others.

      Brown said the royals recently gave approval for the recording of a lullaby to aid a charity. Called “Lullaby for Prince George,” the song will be on album of royal-themed songs reported to be released by Sony later this year and benefiting Cruse Bereavement Care, which helps people survive the death of a loved one.

      As it turns out, giving to others may not only be royal, but also the best way to have a memorable birthday.

      Susan Cohen’s friends used their daughter’s birthday to honor Cohen’s son, who was born with a rare genetic condition. Alyson and Jordan Schwartz of New York City requested that instead of gifts for their daughter, donations be made to a charity in the boy’s honor.

      “I was, and continue to be,” Cohen said, “simply floored by this act of kindness.”

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