
  • Wishing you fabulous new month,
    May each day of coming month bring
    many reasons of celebrations for you.
    Happy New Month





  • Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!

  • Good Night

    Lights are turned off,
    Everywhere around,
    Whole city is snoring,
    In a deep dark wink,
    Take your tiny eyes,
    Towards you bed,
    It's time to greet me,
    With a goodnight text! :)


    Nicky...very nice...
    *great big smile*...
    Very, very nice...
    I like your site a lot...
    *big warm smile*...___
    Uncle Leo



    TO: Uncle Leo
    9/20/2012 18:25:09


    Dear Uncle Leo..Thank you very much :)
    If you enjoyed yourself here, please come often..
    Hugs & Smiles Nicky

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