• Paul Walker’s Funeral: Friends and Family Say Their Final Goodbye


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    Paul Walker's funeral at Forest Lawn cemetery. (Hayk / Splash News)

    Two weeks after Paul Walker was tragically killed in a fiery car crash, the "Fast & Furious" actor was laid to rest at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles.

    Nearly 50 family members and friends gathered on Saturday to pay their respects to the late star during the non-denominational service. The 40-year-old's remains were cremated and his ashes were interred at the famous cemetery, which is the final resting place for many Hollywood stars.

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    Inside Paul Walker's funeral. ( INFphoto.com)

    Those in attendance included his father Paul Walker Sr., his mother Cheryl Walker, his brothers Caleb Walker and Cody Walker, as well as other family members and close friends, reports E! News.

    Several people spoke during the service, but many were too overcome with grief to speak, reports Us Weekly.

    Paul Walker and his brother Caleb in happier times at Caleb's wedding, six weeks before Paul's death. (Splash  …

    Following Walker's funeral, approximately 200 friends and family attended a memorial service at a soundstage on the Universal lot. "Steal My Kisses" singer Ben Harper played a song in Walker's memory, and Walker's dad, Paul Walker Sr., Vice Chairman of NBCUniversal, Ron Meyer, Paul's manager Matt Luber, Paul's siblings, and many more assembled to celebrate his life, reports E! News.

    Paul Walker Sr. drives to his sons' funeral and memorial service. (INFPhoto.com)

    Later Walker's "Fast & Furious" friends and co-stars, Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez and Ludacris, took to Instagram and Twitter to share their final thoughts and prayers for their beloved friend.

    "Today In a room full of your loved ones I wish today was your wedding instead.... God has a better plan even beyond ALL of our own understandings," Tyrese posted in a touching tribute on Instagram, along with a photo of Paul. "For selfish reasons we all wanted you to stay, another laugh, another take, another talk, another moment..... I guess you can't get all you ask for in life.... But our hearts are FULL from all the moments we DID have, 13 years of laughter and grace, humility and love..... Never did I take my access for granted.... Continue praying for his #Family, his daughter #Meadow, you are the WORLDS best friend that's why we're all feeling it... #RIHAW Rest In Heaven Angel Walker."

    Tyrese's tribute to Paul Walker. (Instagram)

    Ludacris posted a photo of Walker smiling broadly and captioned it, "Always in our hearts."

    Ludacris posts a photo of his friend, Paul. (Instagram)

    Rodriguez eloquently wrote on Twitter, "I said goodbye to a great man today, a man I never got to show just how much I love his spirit and his golden heart, "stay golden pony boy"... I hope you get my tweet in heaven, ps your right; 'stop talking just do it already';) Love you Paul, your departure is fuel to my fire, well meet again, enjoy that light."

    Walker's team is planning a global tribute to the actor on Dec. 15 and announced their plans on Twitter.

    Rest in peace, Paul Walker.



  • A nyilvánosságra hozott videón jól látszik, hogy a Hold a Föld körül mozog. A felvételt a NASA tette közzé.

    Végre videó is készült arról, amit a tudósok már régóta sejtettek: a Hold a Föld körül kering. A Juno nevű, titánburkolattal és kilenc különböző műszerrek felszerelt űrszonda október 9-én 7,3 kilométeres másodpercenkénti sebességgel haladt el a Földünk mellett, kamerája ekkor rögzítette a következő videót:


    Megjelenés ideje: 2013.12.10. When NASA's Juno spacecraft flew past Earth on Oct. 9, 2013, it received a boost in speed of more than 8,800 mph (about 7.3 kilometer per second), which set it on course for a July 4, 2016, rendezvous with Jupiter. One of Juno's sensors, a special kind of camera optimized to track faint stars, also had a unique view of the Earth-moon system. The result was an intriguing, low-resolution glimpse of what our world would look like to a visitor from afar. The cameras that took the images for the movie are located near the pointed tip of one of the spacecraft's three solar-array arms. They are part of Juno's Magnetic Field Investigation (MAG) and are normally used to determine the orientation of the magnetic sensors. These cameras look away from the sunlit side of the solar array, so as the spacecraft approached, the system's four cameras pointed toward Earth. Earth and the moon came into view when Juno was about 600,000 miles (966,000 kilometers) away -- about three times the Earth-moon separation. During the flyby, timing was everything. Juno was traveling about twice as fast as a typical satellite, and the spacecraft itself was spinning at 2 rpm. To assemble a movie that wouldn't make viewers dizzy, the star tracker had to capture a frame each time the camera was facing Earth at exactly the right instant. The frames were sent to Earth, where they were processed into video format. The music accompaniment is an original score by Vangelis.

  • Videó: Paul Walker garázsa igazi csemegéket tartogatott Az autóbalesetben elhunyt színész nem csak a mozifilmekben volt az autók szerelmese, hanem a magánéletében is, aminek egy messze-földön híres autógyűjtemény is emléket állít.

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    Images: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ Music: 'Fill My Heart' by Two Steps from Hell Editor: David Peterson Optional Extras: View in 4K by selecting 'Original HD' in settings.

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