• The beautiful magic of the moon, to which I surrender and the dazzling bloom of the night flowers that spread their seducing fragrance all around oh flowers, please tell me where has my moon gone? The shiny full moon that used to lighten up my heart the moon which used to shine brighter than other stars
    early morning rays, please describe it for me is there a light emerging from the aisles of darkness? If so, Please show me the illuminating rays of light. Which is the dream? Which is the truth? I have absolutely no clue, for I am in sea your strong attraction has made me crazy now I am no longer conscious of the whereabouts. I don't need anything else, now that I have seen you, I let go of even the brightest stars in the night sky you created a magic all around, everywhere, and now to this new age magic, I wish to add a new star a star that makes my dormant desires shine.....  I'm loving you....my only Love Damon. Nicki


  • L'amour c'est aimer, c'est .... Love is, dearest Nicki .... 
    Une complicité enjouée A playful complicity 
    Un partage sans compter Besides sharing 
    Une confiance assurée An assured confidence  
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    S'exprimer sans juger et cela tu le sais Express themselves without judgment and that you know 
    S'accepter sans se changer Accepting without change 
    Se respecter To respect 
    Recevoir autant que donner Receive as much as give 
    L'amour c'est cette eau paisible Love is the quiet water 
    Qui uni le rivage de nos coeurs Which united the shore of our hearts 
    Une communion avec l'âme soeur Communion with your soul mate 
    Une expression de bonheur An expression of happiness 
      Car bien que les coeurs soient reliés As well as hearts are connected  
    L'amour , c'est aussi.... Love is also .... 
    La tendresse de ton regard The tenderness of your eyes 
    La douceur de ton sourire The sweetness of your smile 
    Ton parfum dans la brise Your scent in the breeze 
    Tes cheveux dans le vent Your hair in the wind 
    Ton rire éclatant Your laughter bursting
    Et avec tout cela on peut être heureux And with all that you can be happy
    Tendres bisous Tender kisses this Caturday 

  • Sometimes a thousand words, laced with love and care, could not justify the feelings, as can the little tear. Sometimes a thousand coins, minted from silver and gold, could not bring out the emotions, that a smile holds. Sometimes a thousand advices, said with sympathy or purpose, could not lighten the heavy heart, while a kind word does.
    Sometimes a thousand books, filled with knowledge and great wisdom, could not show the experiences, which in the real world come. And, many a times, a thousand years, spent in the Paradise or the Heavens, could not be compared to the happiness, seen in the few moments, in the company of loved ones. Love is not what the mind thinks, but what the heart feels. Sometimes hidden, other times known. Often true, perhaps not. Sometimes feels like fire, other times not felt at all. Can be cold as cyan sadness, or hot as crimson passion.
    Perhaps today, possibly never.
    Thank you for the wonderful words, thoughts, my dear sweetheart Damon, ....And You'are the most amazing. Lots of Love ..Nicki


  •  photo candi 889_zps4e53e9oh.jpg
    Il m'est doux de t'aimer it is sweet to love you, my enthralling Nicki, dans le silence de la nuit in the silence of the night à où ta voix me parle de toi where your voice speaks to me of you au-delà des simples mots beyond mere words encré dans la chair tendre inked into the tender flesh accroché à un baiser tendu clinging to a kiss tense et glissant sur notre and sliding on oursueur perspiration t'aimer en silence love you in silence en silence par amour in silence of love j'ai froid de tes absences I'm cold in your absence ta présence tout autour your presence all around comble le cri de mes silences fills the cry of my silence j'ai le love de toi I love you je me comble de ton essence I filled in your essence de ta peau, de tes doigts, of your skin, your fingers, mon coeur en efflorescence my heart in bloom je m'abandonne à l'onde I surrender to the wave j'éclos en silence j'éclos in silence d'un bonheur qui m'inonde on the happiness that floods me suspendue à l'émergence suspended for the emergence d'un bref instant de grâce in a moment of grace où le souvenir se fait chair where the memory becomes flesh et le désir vorace and voracious desire...
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  • Quand s'éteignent les lumières des hommes, quand se taisent les rumeurs du monde, c'est alors que s'allument les étoiles et que le silence devient perceptible when the lights go out, my delicious and delightful Nicki, we are silent when rumors of the world, that's when the stars light up and the silence is noticeable, mais dans la nuit, il ya des étoiles que nous n'avons jamais vues but at night there are stars that we have never seen, c'est seulement quand l'obscurité s'épaissit qu'elles se mettent à scintiller, only when darkness deepens they begin to flicker. Il ya tant de lumière en chaque étoile et tant d'étoiles en chaque nuit, qu'il est toujours possible de trouver son chemin, même dans la nuit la plus noire, et d'être un guide pour ceux qui se sont perdus en route, there are so light and so each star of stars every night, it is always possible to find your way, even in the darkest night, and be a guide for those who are lost on the way. Par ce froid qui nous prend le cœur, c'est une écharpe de tendresse qui nous enveloppe, for this we take the cold heart is a scarf of love that surrounds us, de tout cœur avec chacun, chacune, heart goes out to everyone, each..
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